


不論你是男生、女生?什麼科系?現在都有機會培養自己成為民航飛行員,從 0 開始,非常的公平,目前台灣航空的女性飛行員已佔10%,所以也歡迎女學生們加入我們培訓的行列,在半年至ㄧ年中漸漸養成良好的特質,跟著教官們一起學習吧!我們前輩很樂意帶著學弟妹們一起飛上藍天,悍衛安全的天空,薪火相傳。


Whether or not you will be chosen to fly will be decided with just one word. There are many people who want to apply for airline positions, no matter what kind of job it is, you must be the right person.


But what kind of person do airlines want to recruit? When the human resources department of an airline wants to find the right person, they sometimes will pretend to be a guard stationed outside the headquarters or cleaning personnel in the building in order to observe your behavior and speech when you are unaware.


They do this because the way you act when you don’t know you are being observed is your true self.


The interviewer may critique you on many details, such as whether you have a Good personality, the way you walk, your body language and your responses to questions,……. but in the end, the most important factor will be your score on an internationally recognized English test.


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