













Nowadays, recruiters and human resource managers in the airline industry face the daunting task of choosing the best candidates from large numbers of hopefuls in an efficient manner as there might be ten times more applicants than available positions. The recruiters need to quickly sort through all the candidates to determine who has the best people skills, i.e., who remembers names and faces quickly, who puts others at ease, who communicates clearly, who cooperates and gets along with others smoothly, etc. Ivy wants to invite you to make use of thispractical combat curriculum”. Let’s hone your competitive skills and cultivate your strengths together.


The training centers of airline companies have accumulated vast experience from their years of training new recruits. They can quickly pick out the candidates who will bring stability to the company. They recognize who can easily adapt to new environments and cultures, as well as handle different races and customs, not to mention work and live independently. Other than outward appearances and English ability, how do the recruiters choose the best candidates out of a group of 20 to 30 persons after less than ten minutes of group discussion?


The reason I’m totally revising this new edition is because I want to make sure that you will be one of the small percentage of candidates who the recruiters pick


The airline industry has become more international and diversified. In the past, the traditional interview process included lining up a row of recruiters facing a row of candidates. Nowadays, group discussions, debates, and Q&A sessions are much more common. The recruiters use these activities to single out the candidates they will refer to the human affairs managers for the final formal interview. The process is now more competitive and challenging than ever before.


This is a practical training textbook. You will not only use this book in class, but should also use it to practice with your classmates outside of class. You should even use it to role play with other people you know who share the same goal of becoming a flight attendant. Sometimes you act as the applicant, other times the recruiter. Take turns and act as your partner’s mirror. Give each other advice. Comment on each other’s strong points and weaknesses. Strive to achieve your goals together.


This book covers the topics and interview skills you need to become familiar with. With practice, you can master the skills and demonstrate great confidence during recruitment. A position in the airline industry is waiting for you.












愛爾航空培訓機構 Ivy 老師親自授課16小時

報名即送 與 Ivy 老師 1對1 面試指導 60分鐘


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