發表時間 |
文章標題 |
人氣 |
2016-10-13 |
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2016-10-12 |
Why do we say, "If you believe that, I have a bridge to sell you?"
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2016-10-11 |
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2016-10-07 |
10月10日是什麼日子呢? 就是中華民國的國慶日
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2016-10-06 |
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2016-10-05 |
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2016-10-04 |
What are commonly called poker cards in Chinese are called playing cards in English.
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2016-10-03 |
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2016-09-30 |
There is one more way in which the word shotgun is used.
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2016-09-29 |
"I call shotgun." 是什麼意思呢?
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2016-09-28 |
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2016-09-27 |
Zee is the American way of saying the letter "Z". Zed is the British way.
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2016-09-26 |
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2016-09-23 |
Salad Dressing
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2016-09-22 |
Did you know that 40% to 50% of Americans have no savings?
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2016-09-21 |
The word fair has several common meanings as an adjective.
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2016-09-20 |
In America, there are county and state fairs during the summer or fall.
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2016-09-19 |
When someone sneezes, English speakers say Bless you, God bless you, or Gesundheit!
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2016-09-16 |
Some verbs can be directly followed by another verb.
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2016-09-02 |
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2016-09-01 |
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2016-08-31 |
In the US, only four coins are commonly used.
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2016-08-30 |
Do you know the difference between these two sentences?
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2016-08-29 |
Every American knows what these are. Do you?
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2016-08-26 |
This is a tickle game played by parents with very young children.
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2016-08-25 |
What are Twinkies, Ho Hos, Ding Dongs, and CupCakes?
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2016-08-24 |
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2016-08-23 |
Tomato sauce and Ketchup
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2016-08-22 |
Did you know that in the US, there are over 60,000 pizzerias, restaurants that sell pizza?
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2016-08-19 |
In America, there is a children's counting rhyme, used to select a person in a game, like rocks, scissors, paper is used in Taiwan.
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2016-08-18 |
Did you know that want something and want for something do not mean the same thing? .
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2016-08-17 |
"Sticks and stones may break your bones, but words can never hurt you." 💪💪💪💪
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2016-08-16 |
What is the BLT?
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2016-08-15 |
What is Elvis Presley sandwich?
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2016-08-12 |
That seems fishy. "Fishy"在這裡是什麼意思?
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2016-08-11 |
Did you know that Chinese food is tremendously popular in America?
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2016-08-10 |
Do you know what a PBJ is?
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2016-08-09 |
Today we are talking about Chinese food and fortune cookies.
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2016-08-08 |
Did you know that New York City is composed of five boroughs?
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2016-08-05 |
Another word with three different usages is " crash ".
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2016-08-04 |
Do you know the difference between fat and slim? .
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2016-08-03 |
今天我們來了解 " beat " 這字怎麼用
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2016-08-02 |
Let's look at "remember" and "forget" first.
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2016-08-01 |
8/1 Monday♥
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2016-07-29 |
Accept and Except
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2016-07-28 |
What do these three pictures have in common?
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2016-07-27 |
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2016-07-26 |
怎麼用" I was discharged from the military."
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2016-07-25 |
Woman & Women
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2016-07-22 |
Why Guinness beer is not a typical beer?
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